Boot Up the Entheogenic Noosphere!

The ‘corporadelic’ sector is on a tear, raking in hundreds of millions in investments. Psychedelic research nonprofits are spinning out commercial entities.

Meanwhile, the more grassroots-y, organic, ceremonial & values-centric quadrants of the old psychonautic underground begin to assemble into visible ‘fruiting bodies.’

For example, the DeCrimNature network, city by city, is opening up semi-legal spaces for personal consumption (of plant psychedelics only, and not commerce).

Separate from #DeCrim, another cluster of initiatives are bundled together under a new social network:

  •, “a non-profit social impact network for the entheogenic community… access to a global Directory of practitioners— doctors, healers, psychedelic integration providers, and complementary modalities.”
  • FEAT, a fund to help needy people access otherwise too pricey ibogaine addiction therapy.
  • AIMS, an institute.
  • A proposed 2022: Awakening With Entheogens event — “A week-long online/offline initiatory workshop with tracks for addiction recovery, trauma treatment, creative epiphanies, nutrition & detox, guided visionary journeys (where legal), ongoing integration guidance from Mentors and Masters, and access to online weekly Awake Integration Circles.”
  • Also, a Mentors & Masters program.
  • You can sign up here – Join the Awake Community

Led by Executive Director Lakshmi Narayan, a pretty great zoom conference proceeded the other day, for which recordings are still available. Rick Doblin as Guest of Honor opened with a 10 minute overview of what a psychedelic renaissance might look like. Most of the speakers were on the board of Awake / AIMS / FEAT / Awakening with Entheogens. Definitely a project worth tracking.

Communion, Communication, Community