Category: Gnosis Mythos

St. Terence’s ‘Psychedelic Compressionism’ (Upcoming Bio)
We induced Terence to wear our original classic Tribal Donut slogan t-shirt, “NO EPISTEMOLOGY WITHOUT PHARMACOLOGY”, once pon a time.

Boot Up the Entheogenic Noosphere!
The ‘corporadelic’ sector is on a tear, raking in hundreds of millions in investments. Psychedelic research nonprofits are spinning out commercial entities. Meanwhile, the more grassroots-y, organic, ceremonial & values-centric quadrants of

Fractal Genomics across the Cosmos?
Just a fancy schmancy conceptual toy for thinking about complexity across all scales, or is it disprovable?

Logistics & Heuristics of the Mystics: Greg Bishop
DrinkingAbout Chats with the Host of RadioMisterioso
The Trifecta of High Strangeness: UFOs, (Tek)Gnostics & Psychedelia – New Episodes!
Beatles, UAPs & USOs. SuicideGirls, MKUltra, Panopticons, Plasma Tubes, Sufis of London, Magnetospheric Masers, Orbital Subs, Striding beyond the bounds of Official Reality, where ‘conspira-tainment’ meets esoteric Truth-Seekers!

Jacques Vallee’s New Book, TRINITY, Follows the Data: from Ultra-Terrestrial Theory to Debris Analysis, & Now a 1945 Crashed Object?
We grew up on Jacques Vallee’s open-minded but rigorous research into UFOs. Vallee was all about the Hyper-dimensional or “Ultra-Terrestrial” model, UFOs as a cybernetic teaching mechanism for humanity, as an indicator

UFOs: Re-Framing the Debate [Robbie Graham – Excerpt]
“The ultimate irony of the Disclosure movement is that, by imagining all answers to the UFO mystery to be out of public reach, deep in the bowels of the national security state, it places power into the hands of officialdom, while disempowering the individual.
‘Physicalist ET’ Paradigm Defended by Dolan in New Book?
“Did Aliens Fuck with Our Genome?” was for a while the tag-line for this lil blog full of fascinating yet useless questions :-). The linked promo vid by Dolan for his forthcoming

About that “Unifying Meta-Theory of UFOs…” (Spreadsheeting High Strangeness)
So, this is a noble but probably misguided, and maybe accursed philosophical venture. I support the spirit of it, if in fact it’s a sincere voyage, and not just an attempt to “recuperate” the Weird and differentiate one’s counter-cult or academic CV.

SPACE VIRUS! “Extreme Outlier” Hypothesis Returns
…the great exemplar of the emergence of a new pandemic disease of considerable virulence and pathogenicity was the Spanish Flu Pandemic 1918–1919. That pandemic has been analyzed in great detail, and the astute and engaged reader of all that evidence is left with only one conclusion—the Spanish Flu disease came from Space on a massive scale, and killed tens of millions before the advent of air travel.