Category: Future Tech

Ethics in Psychedelic Biz

Upcoming webinar Sept 8, presumably free…? Liana Gilooly is co-developer of the NorthStar Initiative, which appears to be MAPS’ effort to respond to criticisms coming from the psychedelic left (psymposia folk in

Rhizosphere Zoom Sept 14-16

No descriptive text for this upcoming free zoom workshop from CalTech Resnick Institute, with international speakers, but the title probably explains itself.

Will Solar Minimum Offset AGW & if so, Partially or Fully?

In theory, a Maunder Minimum — visualize ice-skaters on the Thames, global crop failures — doesn’t necessarily cancel out the GHG-driven global warming, but could reduce its full impact, or maybe add conflicting dynamics…?

SARS2 & #Lab – JC Couey Reprises History of the Debate and Past #Gain-of-Function Research

JC Couey, neurobio prof at UPitt, tells the history of Gain of Function research and claims and counter-claims of lab-manipulation of SARS2 virus, and the upshot of it all.

The Cultural Evolution of Planetary Collapse

Is there a “radical” surgery that gets to the root causes of planetary disruption? How might the root causes be discerned? What kinds of designed intervention might be up to the task of safeguarding humanity’s future?

Planetizers vs. Globalizers – Key Polarities of Early 21C?

This showed up in our email inbox: From Globalization To A Planetary Mindset It’s time for new cooperative platforms that address irreducible interdependence. An opening editorial to a new issue of NOEMA

Premonitions of the Web: Trocchi’s Project Sigma

The Situationists, why bother explaining. There’s an entire web full of their traces and other people’s more or less useless commentaries. Suffice to say, one of the many characters interwoven into the

Beyond 5G: Mysterious THz-range, Enabled by… Graphene

Just another scientific newsblip. Graphene, a single molecule-thick, the miracle material that can do just about anything… assuming you can get it to work “at scale” and figure out how to produce

Valis, Zebra, Gaia

Some kind of higher intelligence may be present in the world but be hidden to us through a cunning sort of mimicry.

Notes from the Martian Underground

Why terraform Mars, when we’ve already terraformed Earth?