Category: Community

Gnome Not Dead Yet. 60s Dutch Provos / Kabouters Get a History (in English)
PARIS IS BURNING – AGAIN. (In case you hadn’t noticed.) So, quick flashback to 60s Europa. After a decade of agitation & sexy theory journals, the Situationists of Paris helped instigate May

Boot Up the Entheogenic Noosphere!
The ‘corporadelic’ sector is on a tear, raking in hundreds of millions in investments. Psychedelic research nonprofits are spinning out commercial entities. Meanwhile, the more grassroots-y, organic, ceremonial & values-centric quadrants of

Cultural Fugue – Coming to a Home-World Near You?
“Cultural Fugue.” A concept unveiled in Samuel R. Delany’s science fiction novel, STARS IN MY POCKET LIKE GRAINS OF SAND. Slightly relevant to today, perhaps: A condition arising on many planets in

Who Could Be Against Public & Planetary Health?
OCA: If COVID-19, the product of mad science and insatiable greed, has taught us anything, it’s that we must transform our food and farming systems and take control of our health. We must acknowledge and resolve the dietary, environmental, and public health-related comorbidities of our ailing population, strengthen our immune systems to fight off chronic disease and pathogens, and provide special protection for the most vulnerable.
The Trifecta of High Strangeness: UFOs, (Tek)Gnostics & Psychedelia – New Episodes!
Beatles, UAPs & USOs. SuicideGirls, MKUltra, Panopticons, Plasma Tubes, Sufis of London, Magnetospheric Masers, Orbital Subs, Striding beyond the bounds of Official Reality, where ‘conspira-tainment’ meets esoteric Truth-Seekers!

From “the War on Some Drugs” to “the War on COVID” & “How to Escape Technocracy” – Convos with MaryJane Patton & Derrick Broze
New podcast series, DrinkingAbout, launching with that cranky old instigator from the Cali Rave Days, Mr. Twist as co-host / researcher along with DrinkingAbout producer, Cor Pallanck. For our launch interview, we