View from the Catwalk
Another episode from The Annals of the Hotel Amalfi, the Legendary Avant-Pulp Gesamtkunstwerk, in which we follow the misadventures of our Heroine Antaea, who tripped through more than a few portals on her way out of #BurningMan, only to wind up aboard The Poetic Dimension, a Travelller Airship.

The Point of Return
Episode Four, Book One, in which the drug-drenched rooftop party at Hotel Amalfi is interrupted by the arrival of a Travelller Airship.

Transits at the Hotel Amalfi
Episode Three, Book One, of TempOTopOTangO, our first visit to the Hotel Amalfi, preferred polar gateway to the Hollow Earth for non-esoteric tourists.

And portals — well, they sort of find you, rather than the other way around. I mean, you can take gobs of drugs, combine any which way, and still not have one. On the other hand, you put enough people together in altered states, in the right geography, and the right timing, and they seem more prone to appear.

(Collective) Displacement: Solve for Y, When X Is Too Tough?
In Freudian psychology, displacement is an unconscious defence mechanism whereby the mind substitutes either a new aim or a new object for goals felt in their original form to be dangerous or unacceptable.

Seen & Not Seen @ NYC Rare Book Scene
Counter-culture arkivists unite! You have nothing to lose but your wallets!

Inner Earth Anomalies – Some Curious Updates
“We know less about what’s deep below our feet than the surface of the Sun or the Moon or Mars.”

Gurdjieff / Bennett
Dark Journalist zigzags between ‘creepy’ #Conspiracy-ish / UFO / DeepState stuff & ‘Mystery Schools’ (Theosophy, Steiner, etc), making the argument you can’t really understand one without the other, that they are interwoven
‘NO REGRETS’ — Dis-entagling the Myriad Murky Loopy Interconnex of Soil <-> CO2 <-> H2O <-> Climate
Posting this useful video as a stand-in for a longer review post (or series of posts) about hydrology, soil microbia/ecosystems, and CO2 cycling. An important counterpoint and supplement would be Roger Pielke