Vernadsky! Originator of ‘Biosfera’ Concept – Life as a Geological Force on  Earth

Vernadsky! …the Earth’s atmosphere itself, consisting primarily of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, is the creation of life. – Vernadsky Yeah, before Lovelock and the Gaia Hypothesis, long before Gorshkov / Makarieva’s “Biotic

Terrors of the Technosphere: Fresh Thinking on  Climate

James Dyke, writing at The Technosphere, Our Agency, Our Planet blog*: As defined so far, there appears nothing to stop the technosphere liquidating most of the Earth’s biosphere to satisfy its growth.

Civilization & Planet-Killers, a Short & Mutable  List

1. Cascading ecosystem degradation from deforestation, overfishing, habitat destruction of insects and birds, etc. Pollutants in waterways including synthetic fertilizer loads and wipeout of invisible microbial and microrrhyzal ecosystems over large regions

Feedbacks in  Climate

For a few years we were looking for a neat table comparing all climate feedbacks side by side. Finally we found one in this new study about how feedbacks are handled in


Sophia bails from the Pleroma. She’s lost, stunned, crash-landed, shattered. She aborts this fetus that becomes Yahweh, and all his little archontic minions, mindlessly droning on, replicating. . . a perfect description of industrial society, its machinery, its robotic human behaviors? The biospheric womb giving birth to this other kind of thing, out of control, out of tune with its mother. . . glitchy spastic clanking non-breathing droidlettes minimalls tv hosts. . . fake fake fake…

The Abolition of Species — Dietmar  Dath

Brief excerpt to entice you to read Dietmar Dath’s staggering but so far obscure bio-sci-fi blockbuster, The Abolition of Species

Irridescent New Voice in Speculative Fiction – Vandana  SINGH

An excerpt from Vandana Singh’s short story, “Somadeva: A Sky River Sutra”


Pink & Purple Polka-Dot Pyrate Parrot Party Unpacks Ultrafluorescent Left Mutant Approach to Biosphericide vs. So-Called Climate Emergency

CRASH (Part  2)

Survivors of the wreck of the Corroborree, a Travelller Airship, are hauled into an underground banquet of dubious intent, as the Zantras of Pareifour are invoked once again!

CRASH (Part  1)

“Yeah, I’ve seen Torsion Spouts like that plenty, but I’ve never wound up in a friggin’ busted timeship from them. Shit, look at this mess. How are we ever going to get out of here? What were you thinking?”