Renewable Carbon Initiative Kicks Off in EU
“Industry has to go beyond using renewable energy. All fossil carbon use has to end.”

Biome Takes Center-stage for “Climate Solutions” in Kiss the Ground …
Can this Emerging #Soil4Climate Trend Mend the Rift between Ranchers & City-slickers?

‘The Physics of Dragons’ – Fractal Earth Scarring & Energetic Atmospheres
Thunderbolts.info is always a bountiful source of paradigm-challenging ideas. Some of their speculations may be off (especially any specific dates left behind by their Godfather, Velikovsky), but some of their predictions have

SARS2 GMO? Hong Kong Whistleblower Li-Meng Yan Details her Claims, Alleges PLA Role, & Bannon Muddies the Waters
PATHOGEN-Gain-of-Function-Research needs to be blown open to the public, to give humanity a voice in this extremely dangerous realm of science.

UCB Launches Psy-Sci Center w Michael Pollan, Presti – & Yes, Facilitator-Training Is on the Agenda…
The center plans to collaborate with the Graduate Theological Union in the development of an immersive learning program on psychedelics and spirituality. This program will eventually train guides…

“Without the upward transmission of energies through the intermediary of attention, the universe would give in to entropy.”
How does entropy gell with the “Hard Question of Consciousness,” that keeps physicists up late at night?

Civilization as Entropic Giga-Gizmo: Scaled Up Renewables vs Biosphere
“The impacts of a green energy future on biodiversity were not considered in international climate policies.”

Ethics in Psychedelic Biz
Upcoming webinar Sept 8, presumably free…? Liana Gilooly is co-developer of the NorthStar Initiative, which appears to be MAPS’ effort to respond to criticisms coming from the psychedelic left (psymposia folk in

Rhizosphere Zoom Sept 14-16
No descriptive text for this upcoming free zoom workshop from CalTech Resnick Institute, with international speakers, but the title probably explains itself. https://resnick.caltech.edu/documents/16485/CaltechRSIRhizoWorkshop2020.png

Dissident Femme Situationist J. DeJong Celebrated in ‘These Are Situationist Times!’ Anthology
DeJong was only 22 when she jump-started The Situationist Times, and jaunted off on some very original vectors, exploring the interconnections of topology, folk art, architectural motifs, labyrinth designs