The Expanse’s Proto-Molecule: Metaphor for COVID Dark Night of the Soul
The proto-molecule, like a virus, neither alive nor dead, neither purely organic nor purely technological, absorbing and transforming humans to its own design, poetically encapsulates the transhumanist geo-political vision … “The more biomass you feed it, the more it learns.”

UFOs: Re-Framing the Debate [Robbie Graham – Excerpt]
“The ultimate irony of the Disclosure movement is that, by imagining all answers to the UFO mystery to be out of public reach, deep in the bowels of the national security state, it places power into the hands of officialdom, while disempowering the individual.
‘Physicalist ET’ Paradigm Defended by Dolan in New Book?
“Did Aliens Fuck with Our Genome?” was for a while the tag-line for this lil blog full of fascinating yet useless questions :-). The linked promo vid by Dolan for his forthcoming

Pre-Hyper-Politicized Quasi-Science: Yan Report Part II Opaques Out Complicity of US Players with New Accusation against CCP of “Unrestricted Biowarfare” (Welcome to the 21st Century!)
True, nobody wants to think about COVID as biowarfare. And everyone’s opinion is already set. Here is the new report, FWIW: https://zenodo.org/record/4073131 Thanks to support from Steve Bannon (recently busted for fraud
Let the Real COVID Debate Begin: Declaration on ‘Focused Protection’ (Herd Immunity) Signed by Dissident PhDs, MDs & Humans
February, March, April, May 2020: Where were the televised or livestreamed debates between independent science advisors on how best to manage COVID? Where was the frank, upfront discussion of predictable “collateral damages”

Hippie Hemp Hype, the Arc to …Borg-ization of the Sacred Plant?
This almost magisterial overview by Bill Weinberg is mandatory reading for anybody with any counter-cultural aspiration at all. Or anybody, for that matter. A healthy re-examination of some stuff taken for granted,

ElectroSmog Insectageddon? Meta-Study Supports Long-running Suspicions, but …
Everybody knows about the honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder. The news stories have subsided, now replaced with a cascade of reports about broader (land) insect decline. For honeybees, the Varoa mite emerged as
New Techniques, Same GMOs: FB Live Panel 10/8 w Vandana Shiva & Others
Presumably alluding to CRISPR and gene-drives as “the new techniques”… If Mae Wan Ho were still around, she would no doubt be on this panel too. “Rachel Parent is hosting a Facebook